House of Jabez
House of Jabez
Mentoring House
The House of Jabez opened October 2018. It is located at 111 Fir Street, in Neodesha, Kansas.
Here at the House of Jabez, we work closely with the surrounding community to show our discipleship. The House of Jabez holds 9 men. With the House of Jabez comes an temp agency and food bank for the local community. Our requirements are that the men here at the House of Jabez, desire to live their lives for progress rather than perfection.
We believe in true recovery and deliverance from our old selves, by the work of Jesus Christ and His transforming power. The men that come into the House of Jabez, will learn skills that will help them live productively in society.
The House of Jabez director • Ron. You can contact the House of Jabez at (505) 322-0556.