Our Vision
A community of Christ-followers who move from the tragedy of brokenness to victory through Christ’s grace and mercy

In likeness is the man who looks into the Word of God and who habitually reduces it to practice. His contemplative, meditative gazing has practical results in his life. To him or her the Bible is the perfect law of liberty. Its precepts are what his new nature loves to do. As he obeys, he finds true freedom from human traditions and carnal reasoning. Knowing the truth makes you free. This is the man or woman who benefits from the Bible. They do not forget what they have read. Rather they seek to live it out in daily practice. Their simple childlike obedience brings incalculable blessing to their soul. This one will be blessed in what they do.
Our mission is to help those incarcerated to practice becoming faithful doers of God’s Word through a Bible Correspondence Incentive Course. As they obey the Word and learn what caused their incarceration and what to do while incarcerated they will find true freedom from human traditions and carnal reasoning while earning an incentive for their childlike obedience that brings incalculable blessing to their soul. Our objective is to bring the movements of God through His disciples of Jesus Christ into the jails, prisons, and institutions to provide them with living examples of the Word at work today for their use and motivation.
Pastor Spencer Lindsay
Founder, Mentor